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Used Software

This chapter gives an overview of the software used in the development of SiOME plugins. Since SiOME is an electron desktop application, it uses Node.js as its runtime environment. A SiOME plugin is realized as an Angular web component. There you use TypeScript to implement your business logic and HTML/CSS to build the GUI of your plugin.

If you are already familiar with Node.js, TypeScript and Angular, you can skip this chapter and proceed with the next chapter.

The runtime Node.js

Node.js is a runtime environment for running JavaScript code outside of a browser. It also supports back-end programming features such as access to the local file system.

For more information see:

The language TypeScript

TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language based on JavaScript that compiles to readable, plain JavaScript.

For more information see:

The framework Angular

Angular is a frontend web application framework based on TypeScript. It is component-based, meaning that you structure your application into one or more reusable components. For example, a SiOME plugin would be a component.

What does using Angular mean for your plugin development?

  • It defines the folder structure of your plugin project (see SiOME-Plugin Base Project ).
  • It defines the files that will make up your plugin.
  • It defines the way libraries have to be imported.

For a deeper understanding of how to code with Angular, it is recommended to have a look into the Angular documentation regarding these topics:

For more information see:, or try the interactive tutorial in your browser: